Toxic exposure from Salon in Mojave Ca
Friday 18 January 2013 05:32:00 PM
Location: mojave, california, 93501
Categorie: Toxic Substances
I work at a non profit agency in Mojave, California. My organization shares a building with a salon. Within this building, there are no functional windows, thus there is no ventilation. The owner of the salon does not have the appropriate professional ventilation to rid her shop of the chemicals that she uses on a daily basis. With the lack of basic ventilation, besides opening up a door, and professional ventilation, we are exposed to odorous chemicals on a regular basis. She does not use any professional fans or equipment to limit exposure to herself, her clients, and for the people who work in the building. The chemical exposure has caused the staff recently to have headaches, rashes, dizziness, and stomach issues. There is also a history of previous employees who have worked within this building, being exposed to the chemicals like we are, who have developed cancer. My organization has contacted the landlord, and he has not been able to get someone to install professional venting. He states he will be doing so this weekend. He was to take care of this a month ago. Meanwhile, a pregnant staff member is out of work because she is sick when the hair dresser does acrylic nails or perms. I have made a complaint to the consumer affairs office for cosmetology and barbering. I am hoping you can help us to eradicate this problem and hold this person accountable for not having appropriate ventilation and abiding by state and federal standards for occupational safety.