Abandoned water well

Wednesday 25 May 2022 03:41:24 PM

Location: 12517 Paddock Place

Categorie: Water


This is a 3 party water well that has not been used in over 20 years. County had sent me a letter to destroy well in 2021. I advised County it was not located on my property and the property owner had blocked all access to well illegally. The individual from the county (David Faller) then informed me he was a personal friend of the property owner. I was uncomfortable with the situation and complained to his boss who removed him from dealing with the well. I was advised at that time that the county no longer considered me responsible for destroying the well but would see that the property owner (Janet M Barreneche) would be the responsible party. I was told that I would be kept in the loop as to the status of the well as I have a dedicated easement to the well. Despite MULTIPLE calls and emails spread out over 9 months, I failed to receive any response to status requests. I tried to contact MULTIPLE people at the county and all refused to respond. After complaining to my councilman I finally received a call from Amy Rutledge. She stated that the well had "fallen thru the cracks" and they failed to follow up with the property owner. The feeling I got was that, because this individual has many friends in the dept (friends and family work for the county) that it was swept under the rug so that the property owner could escape paying to abandon the well. I was told that they would send a letter to the property owner. When I asked if I could be kept in the loop (again because I used to be on the well and have a dedicated easement to the well specifically on my property title) I was told NO that I would have to file a freedom of information request. My major concern is that they have livestock penned right on top of the well because there is a tree located at the well site that provides shade. This despite there being a law stating there needs to be a 100' clearance from livestock, pets, etc. They also park their vehicles that leak oil next to the well. Unfortunately, the 3rd party on that well sold their home this month and I have no idea if they disclosed all this to the new owners (who have yet to move in). I am concerned that they are contaminating our water supply. Since the property owner has locked the gate and refused to allow me access (despite a letter from my attorney stating she could not block me from my easement) I have no way to take pictures of the site. The 3rd party, who just sold his home, is the property between me and the property where the well is located. At one point Janet Barrenche told me the well had been destroyed before admitting she had lied in her email and the well had not been destroyed. In any case, my main concern here is the potential contamination of our water table. When I confronted Janet over the animals in cages on top of the well, she stated "We live in the county--F%ck the city people--they should stay out of our property. I am not going to move my animals and I don't care if the piss and shit into the well". I think because she has friends in the county she is able to stay below the radar. I have no problem with my name being disclosed or with you releasing my name as the person who complained. However I would like to keep my email and cell phone private. Thank you

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