Flare Burning Illegally in Shafter

Tuesday 29 November 2016 01:45:46 PM

Location: 17201-17299 Mannel Ave, Shafter, CA 93263, USA

Categorie: Toxic Substances


A flare in the North Shafter Oil Field, operated by California Resources Corporation, has been burning illegally for the past 7 months with no end in sight. It is a nuisance because it is harming the health of Shafter residents with large quantities of NOx, VOC, and PM2.5 emissions. CRC claims the reason for flaring is the permanent shutdown of a gas pipeline by Chevron several months earlier this year. This was therefore a planned event and is not covered under the permit for this flare as a permitted reason for flaring. Several complaints have been made about this flare to the SJVAPCD. The complaints have been ignored by the air district because they say the flare is legal under emergency permits and the Flare Minimization Plan. CARB or EPA must tell the air district this flaring is illegal. People in Shafter are dying prematurely because of this flare.



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